Sunday, May 1, 2011

Magazine Proposal

For this blog, here is the magazine I decided to create:

The Title: "Evolution Music"

The Concept: The concept of this magazine goes along with the standard music magazine, but I want it to focus on what is current. I want each month's issue to focus on the current "BIG" artists and what is new for them. I want the cover to focus on the new CD that that artist is releasing, accompanied with an exclusive interview.

The Readers: The readers of this particular magazine would mostly focus on the teens through mid twenties, as they control a lot of what is currently happening musically.

The Competition: The main competition for this type of magazine would be any sort of music or entertainment magazine. "Rolling Stone" would definitely be one of the main competitors, as would other magazines such as "Vibe" or "Blender". Although these magazines would be major competition, with "Evolution Music", each issue is accompanied by an exclusive Remix CD of some of the current big hits, as well as some up-and-coming hits. 

The Advertisers: The advertisement of this magazine could be anywhere from shoes to movies. Some major advertisers that would most likely invest in this magazine would be:
  1. Express, because of their constant "Now" fashion.
  2. Movie Studios, because they want to reach similar demographics but to get them into a movie theater.
  3. Music Studios, because they would be able to get their artist's info into their direct demographic.
  4. Apple, because of their constantly evolving technology, and being known for iTunes/iPod.
  5. HP, because they usually try to stay connected with music with all their technology.
The Articles: Some of the articles that would be expected for the first issue would be:
  1. The cover Artist's exclusive Interview
  2. The top 25 up-and-coming artists
  3. What's happening right now
  4. The fall and rise of a major pop star.
  5. How to get discovered
The Cover: I want the cover to be simple and self-explanatory. I want the reader to look at it and know exactly what is inside of it. I want it to state some of the bigger articles, and I want there to be one major picture from the main Artist of the issue. I don't want it too be too complicated, as today's youth goes for the simplicity and edge, more than clutter and fancy lettering.

The Magazine:

1 comment:

  1. Nice cover. The accompanying CD is an interesting idea.
