Monday, June 20, 2011

Class Highlights!

I feel that I learned a lot in Journalism 2 this quarter, and that I will be able to take a lot of my media literacy knowledge with me to my major of Communications/PR. It'll be easier for me to know the best ways to market different types of media, and to be able to have an affect on how people view things as well.
I don't really view media in a different way, but I do think that I have a better appreciation for the media we do have today, especially in regards to film and music.
I feel that this class as definitely taken my media literacy and over-all knowledge of the different medias to a new level, and I had a lot of fun in the class, especially with the Research Project.

Media Ethics & Media Laws

In 2011, the popular media sharing site Limewire disappeared as the music industry's RIAA sued them for as much money as possible.
Limewire faced multiple charges of copyright infringement, and the RIAA stated that Limewire owed them $75 TRILLION in damages, which is ridiculous considering that the World GDP is under $1 Trillion total. Limewire was forced to pay the 4 Major Music Labels $105 Million in damages for their copyright violations, with the artists whose music was being stolen receiving $0.00 of the $105,000,000.00
Personally, I have always bought music on either CDs, iTunes, or Amazon, so this doesn't affect me directly, but it's interesting to look at how the situation was handled, and what will happen in the future as more and more piracy-based websites are created.

Federal Judge Denounces RIAA Claim Over Limewire

The Deception of Propaganda

For the advertisement for the movie "King Arthur", the actress Keira Knightly's breasts were digitally enhanced about 2 Cup sizes. This poster uses a few different propaganda techniques to draw in a bigger audience. By Photoshoping her breast size, which Keira Knightly said was originally digitally changed to a size DD, they use techniques of "Beautiful People" and "Half-Truths".

They use "Beautiful People" by taking Keira Knightly, who is already beautiful, and make her more stereotypically attractive. They do this by enhancing her breasts, making her more tan, glowing skin, and eliminate all possible flaws, all by digitally changing her. Because they did this, more and more males wanted to see this movie with the impression that they would see this version of Keira Knightly, even though she doesn't exist, even in the movie.

They use "Half-Truths" by this as well because, while you do see Keira Knightly with little clothes in some parts of the movie, she is more covered-up for most of it, and the idea that her breasts will be in the camera the whole time is very deceptive. This is probably used more than most propaganda techniques in the film industry, leaving many viewers disliking a movie because of the false expectations.

The Internet Takeover

For the internet, I can easily use myself as an example of addiction.

When I was in Middle School through my first year in High School I was addicted to the video game "Final Fantasy XI: Online". I spent most of my time playing this game and escaping reality, that I didn't really do anything with my friends or family. I eventually was able to quit, mostly in order to hang out with my friends, but it was definitely a first-hand shock to see how online video games can affect a person.
Final Fantasy XI: Online on

I am also constantly online shopping, sometimes spending way more than I should. I will spend hundreds in an hour on, usually on stuff I don't need. I'll also be constantly checking different store's ads online to see what the next and best sale is. It's a dangerous relationship, and it's one I will still need to work a lot on, but it's probably a lot safer than some of the things I stupidly do.

And, with stupidity comes online dating in the not smart ways. I've used a few online dating websites, mostly just to see what's there, but I tend to not be the smartest when it comes to using them. I will meet people I probably shouldn't, and do stupid things like that. Thankfully, nothing has happened to me, and I've gotten better about being less stupid on how I go about it, but I still need to work on that one a little bit.

It's interesting to see how much the internet controls our lives today, and I'm very curious to see how it is 5 or 10 years from now, it should be interesting.

Television Today

Length: 1:05
Description: Reinforcing the "Blonde" stereotype on the Television show GLEE through the character Brittany.
Chapter 9: Television, Part 3: The Electronic Industries
Quiz Question: Why is television the most controversial of all media?
Answer: Because it revolves around the nature of programming, the parental advisory ratings, and excessive viewing. It also is controversial to the the amount of violence shown, stereotype reinforcement, and a lack of educational programming.