Monday, June 20, 2011

Media Ethics & Media Laws

In 2011, the popular media sharing site Limewire disappeared as the music industry's RIAA sued them for as much money as possible.
Limewire faced multiple charges of copyright infringement, and the RIAA stated that Limewire owed them $75 TRILLION in damages, which is ridiculous considering that the World GDP is under $1 Trillion total. Limewire was forced to pay the 4 Major Music Labels $105 Million in damages for their copyright violations, with the artists whose music was being stolen receiving $0.00 of the $105,000,000.00
Personally, I have always bought music on either CDs, iTunes, or Amazon, so this doesn't affect me directly, but it's interesting to look at how the situation was handled, and what will happen in the future as more and more piracy-based websites are created.

Federal Judge Denounces RIAA Claim Over Limewire

1 comment:

  1. Definitely an evolving issue. I'm glad you pay for your music. Me too.
