Monday, June 20, 2011

Class Highlights!

I feel that I learned a lot in Journalism 2 this quarter, and that I will be able to take a lot of my media literacy knowledge with me to my major of Communications/PR. It'll be easier for me to know the best ways to market different types of media, and to be able to have an affect on how people view things as well.
I don't really view media in a different way, but I do think that I have a better appreciation for the media we do have today, especially in regards to film and music.
I feel that this class as definitely taken my media literacy and over-all knowledge of the different medias to a new level, and I had a lot of fun in the class, especially with the Research Project.

Media Ethics & Media Laws

In 2011, the popular media sharing site Limewire disappeared as the music industry's RIAA sued them for as much money as possible.
Limewire faced multiple charges of copyright infringement, and the RIAA stated that Limewire owed them $75 TRILLION in damages, which is ridiculous considering that the World GDP is under $1 Trillion total. Limewire was forced to pay the 4 Major Music Labels $105 Million in damages for their copyright violations, with the artists whose music was being stolen receiving $0.00 of the $105,000,000.00
Personally, I have always bought music on either CDs, iTunes, or Amazon, so this doesn't affect me directly, but it's interesting to look at how the situation was handled, and what will happen in the future as more and more piracy-based websites are created.

Federal Judge Denounces RIAA Claim Over Limewire

The Deception of Propaganda

For the advertisement for the movie "King Arthur", the actress Keira Knightly's breasts were digitally enhanced about 2 Cup sizes. This poster uses a few different propaganda techniques to draw in a bigger audience. By Photoshoping her breast size, which Keira Knightly said was originally digitally changed to a size DD, they use techniques of "Beautiful People" and "Half-Truths".

They use "Beautiful People" by taking Keira Knightly, who is already beautiful, and make her more stereotypically attractive. They do this by enhancing her breasts, making her more tan, glowing skin, and eliminate all possible flaws, all by digitally changing her. Because they did this, more and more males wanted to see this movie with the impression that they would see this version of Keira Knightly, even though she doesn't exist, even in the movie.

They use "Half-Truths" by this as well because, while you do see Keira Knightly with little clothes in some parts of the movie, she is more covered-up for most of it, and the idea that her breasts will be in the camera the whole time is very deceptive. This is probably used more than most propaganda techniques in the film industry, leaving many viewers disliking a movie because of the false expectations.

The Internet Takeover

For the internet, I can easily use myself as an example of addiction.

When I was in Middle School through my first year in High School I was addicted to the video game "Final Fantasy XI: Online". I spent most of my time playing this game and escaping reality, that I didn't really do anything with my friends or family. I eventually was able to quit, mostly in order to hang out with my friends, but it was definitely a first-hand shock to see how online video games can affect a person.
Final Fantasy XI: Online on

I am also constantly online shopping, sometimes spending way more than I should. I will spend hundreds in an hour on, usually on stuff I don't need. I'll also be constantly checking different store's ads online to see what the next and best sale is. It's a dangerous relationship, and it's one I will still need to work a lot on, but it's probably a lot safer than some of the things I stupidly do.

And, with stupidity comes online dating in the not smart ways. I've used a few online dating websites, mostly just to see what's there, but I tend to not be the smartest when it comes to using them. I will meet people I probably shouldn't, and do stupid things like that. Thankfully, nothing has happened to me, and I've gotten better about being less stupid on how I go about it, but I still need to work on that one a little bit.

It's interesting to see how much the internet controls our lives today, and I'm very curious to see how it is 5 or 10 years from now, it should be interesting.

Television Today

Length: 1:05
Description: Reinforcing the "Blonde" stereotype on the Television show GLEE through the character Brittany.
Chapter 9: Television, Part 3: The Electronic Industries
Quiz Question: Why is television the most controversial of all media?
Answer: Because it revolves around the nature of programming, the parental advisory ratings, and excessive viewing. It also is controversial to the the amount of violence shown, stereotype reinforcement, and a lack of educational programming.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

To The Beat of My Heart

Music is a major part of who I am today. I listen to whatever I feel strongly about in that moment, weather it be happiness, sadness, anger, betrayal, or any of the emotions in between. Music has helped get me though a lot of stuff, and I think that sometimes it is just easier to express these emotions through singing along to these songs, instead of acting out on the emotions. Sometimes though, it's just fun to sing and dance in the car.

One of my most favorite songs of 2010 was the song "Pyromania" by the German-based Euro-Pop group Cascada. This song was my go to dance song, and while it never picked up in the US, it was always blasting in my car. All my friends eventually learned the words to it (which was pretty simple), and we would have these silly little dances for it. It was, overall, just a fun song, and it's one of the few songs that I enjoyed just for the pure simplicity of it.
The music video for it was pretty fun, too.

One of my personal favorite older songs has always been ABBA's "Mamma Mia". I grew up listening to ABBA, but (and what I find to be funny), is that I learned who ABBA was through a band called the A Teens, who started out as an ABBA tribute band. My mom was so excited when I told her I loved "Dancing Queen" and "Mamma Mia" that she bought me ABBA's "GOLD" CD, and I had no idea who these "other people" were singing my songs. Ever since then, ABBA has been a major music act for me.

And, Just for fun, here are some other music videos from Cascada in case you want to check them out:
(In order from most recent)
San Francisco
Night Nurse
Evacuate The Dancefloor
What Hurts The Most
Everytime We Touch

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Magazine Proposal

For this blog, here is the magazine I decided to create:

The Title: "Evolution Music"

The Concept: The concept of this magazine goes along with the standard music magazine, but I want it to focus on what is current. I want each month's issue to focus on the current "BIG" artists and what is new for them. I want the cover to focus on the new CD that that artist is releasing, accompanied with an exclusive interview.

The Readers: The readers of this particular magazine would mostly focus on the teens through mid twenties, as they control a lot of what is currently happening musically.

The Competition: The main competition for this type of magazine would be any sort of music or entertainment magazine. "Rolling Stone" would definitely be one of the main competitors, as would other magazines such as "Vibe" or "Blender". Although these magazines would be major competition, with "Evolution Music", each issue is accompanied by an exclusive Remix CD of some of the current big hits, as well as some up-and-coming hits. 

The Advertisers: The advertisement of this magazine could be anywhere from shoes to movies. Some major advertisers that would most likely invest in this magazine would be:
  1. Express, because of their constant "Now" fashion.
  2. Movie Studios, because they want to reach similar demographics but to get them into a movie theater.
  3. Music Studios, because they would be able to get their artist's info into their direct demographic.
  4. Apple, because of their constantly evolving technology, and being known for iTunes/iPod.
  5. HP, because they usually try to stay connected with music with all their technology.
The Articles: Some of the articles that would be expected for the first issue would be:
  1. The cover Artist's exclusive Interview
  2. The top 25 up-and-coming artists
  3. What's happening right now
  4. The fall and rise of a major pop star.
  5. How to get discovered
The Cover: I want the cover to be simple and self-explanatory. I want the reader to look at it and know exactly what is inside of it. I want it to state some of the bigger articles, and I want there to be one major picture from the main Artist of the issue. I don't want it too be too complicated, as today's youth goes for the simplicity and edge, more than clutter and fancy lettering.

The Magazine:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Books That Have Influenced Me

I've read many different books that have influenced me in many different ways, but there are a few books that have really meant a lot to me.

The Chronicles of Narnia series is a major book series for me. This was the first series I read all by myself as a child, and I read each book over and over again. The series really helped me learn to love to read, and they helped me bring out my imagination even further. I think that it's also exciting to see how these books are currently being adapted into a series of movies as well, so it's fun to look at the books and then see how different the movies are compared to what I would have imagined.

The Da Vinci Code is another major book in my life. I had hit a moment in my life where I didn't really want to read anymore, and then I picked up this book. It completely blew me away, and kept me up way too late on many nights. I also find it fascinating when an idea and belief is challenged, but in a harmless way. I remember when it came out so many people were outraged, but I really felt that that is what helps make something so much better.

Nature Girl, even though it may not seem like a very influential book, was very helpful for me because it was a good book to use as an example of a book that lets you completely forget about the world around you. Sometimes I know I forget to read just for fun, or I can't find a good book that will make me laugh out extremely loud, and this book gave me a lot of hope. I hadn't had as much fun getting lost in a book as much as I have with this one.

Monday, April 18, 2011

How Media Impacts Us

When I think of all the ways media impacts us, especially in children, I always think of the television. Television shows sometimes blur the line of reality versus the imagination, especially when it comes to reality TV. I believe that we often forget that, although the word "reality" is associated to a show, many times it is scripted just like all other TV shows.

One of the articles I distinctly remember was how a 7 year old boy in Dallas accidentally killed his 3 year old brother using moves he had viewed on professional wrestling TV.
The article is located here:
The 7 year old did not know that most of the moves he saw on TV was practiced previously, with special provision by experts who knew how to make it look real and intense. Because of this lack of knowledge, the boy thought that, like all the other wrestlers, nothing too serious would be an outcome. Because of this lack of knowledge, his brother lost his life, and he lost a brother. When this all happened in 1999, there was a major controversy over weather or not the Wrestling networks should be blamed.

Personally, I do not believe that it is the Wrestling network's fault, but more of the parents for letting their 7 year-old watch such violent acts, and by not informing him of the realities of wrestling, especially because they decided it was a good idea to let their child watch it. This does not mean, however, that I do not think the networks should put a disclaimer, making sure all precautions are taken to avoid such a tragic accident.

The media will always be blamed for anything that happens, but it really is up to us to allow the outcome to be what it is.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Media Autobiography

Like every person, I share a love-hate relationship with media. This is my relationship with each of these different types of medias:

Books: My relationship with books has probably been my longest media related relationship. As a child, my mother would read to me every night, which helped me create a love for stories and ideas that incite the imagination. Unfortunately, I don't always have the most time to read as many books as I would like to, but when I do get the opportunity I do try to read a good book or two.

Newspapers: My relationship with Newspapers has been pretty scattered. I went through a period in High School where I would read newspapers for more than just the comics, however, I no longer read newspapers at all. I will go online to read an article from a newspaper source, but I do not read printed news anymore.

Magazines: Magazines for me are something that I absolutely love. I love that the articles are short, simple, and sweet. I also love how much imagery are in many magazines, because I am a very visual person, I can stare at pictures for hours. I often times will catch myself staring at pictures more than reading the articles that accompany them, too.

Movies: Movies are probably the one media that I have the strongest relationship with. My original major was actualy film for scriptwriting, and I have taken numerous film classes over the past 3 years. I think that movies are one of the strongest media outlets for sharing an idea or information, because I strongly believe that through imagery our ideas on things can change drastically.

Recordings: Recordings, or music, is probably my second best media related relationship. I listen to music when I do just about everything. I do school work, researching random things, hang out with people, drive, etc with music playing in the background. I actually hope to one day direct music videos as my career, and I actively will follow the newest music and music videos.

Radio: My relationship with radio is fairly on-and-off. I will listen to it every once in awhile, but I usually have my iPod plugged into my car's dashboard playing what I want to listen to. Sometimes, I will listen to the ratio just for fun, but usually it's just turned off.

Television: Television is another relationship that's fairly on and off. I will sometimes watch it, but I usually do not. If I do watch it though, it needs to be recorded because I hate commercials, so I need to watch it after it has already aired so I can skip through them.

The Internet: I think that the Internet is the most important media aspect that we have today. Without it we cannot do most of what we do, cannot have most of what we have, and don't find out all the information that we find out. Every other media aspect can in some way be incorporated to the Internet, so I think that it's probably one of the biggest things in most of our lives. I know for me personally, I am always online. I find out most of my information through the Internet, and I discover new music, music videos, movies, and sometimes tv shows through it. I also use the Internet to read up on products before I buy anything so that I can read other people's views on it.